Now in its 45th year, the Northern New England Review (NNER) is a literary journal devoted to and inspired by place. We are open for submissions for the print mag Feb 11 2024 - March 27, 2025, and open on a rolling basis for the online-only mag.

Northern New England Review is a journal featuring original works of poetry, short fiction, creative nonfiction, and visual art. Our print edition is shelved in over 200 libraries across Northern New England. In Spring of 2024, we created an online mag, where we hope to publish a wider array of work. For this, our 45th print edition, we ask that our contributors have an association with northern New England (Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont), but how that relationship is defined is up to individual artists. So, whether you live(d) here, passed through, or dreamt of this place from afar, we welcome your work.  In particular, we are looking for works that go beyond stereotypical and common expectations and expositions of the area. Our region is not just a place of pastoral beauty; it is also a place where ugliness, the absurd, and the downright comical can also exist. For our 45th edition, we hope to feature works that explore a full spectrum of experience and observation.. 

Our journal is archived in over 200 New England libraries.

See our genre-specific calls for submissions to send in your work.

Close your eyes and imagine pink and orange bubble letters on the side of a shingled box buidling, forged in all-weather composite. Where are we? As New Englanders, there is only one right answer. Hint: coffee and donuts. We won't mention the brand, but we know you can pick up what we are putting down. For this call, we are seeking stories (flash fiction), satire, poetry, creative non-fiction, and visual art inspired by this theme. Submission requirements: keep your poems to three max, 750 words max for flash fiction, and creative non-fiction. Satire and visual art submissions just need to be easily posted on a website. Submissions for the online mag close March 24th

Northern New England Review